On Steve Jobs (NSFW)
http://www.wired.com/business/2012/07/ff_stevejobs I work in technology. I'm writing this on a second generation Macbook Air. My family owns or has owned: 2 ipod classics, 3 ipod nano's, 1 Intel iMac, 3 iPhones (1 3G, 1 iphone 4, 1 4s). I'm not a fanboi, but I'm in the neighborhood. That disclosed, let me be very clear in my position: Fuck Steve Jobs. Not because of what he did--he did great things (Apple, NeXT, Pixar, Apple...again), nor for his tyrannical management. I raise the cyber middle finger to Jobs because people conflate the two. They conclude that to do great things, you must be a tyrant, and that's just wrong. In fact, the collateral damage of Jobs may take more than a decade to undo, just because people misunderstand who he was. I find little to respect in Jobs the man or Jobs the leader. He bred fear and distrust in his subordinates. He surrounded himself with people afraid of him, and destroyed people for fun....