Review: Baby Driver
Much as it takes a symphony in multiple movements to fully exercise an orchestra, Edgar Wright's Baby Driver fully exercises film as a systemic input to your brainstem. I left exhausted, happy, and eager to see it again. Act I, Take Me Away! Act 1 is Wright's original concept writ large: "Baby" is a getaway driver, and we see a contender for the best getaway scene in film set perfectly to a soundtrack. This is the overture, the who, what, and where. There's almost no dialog--just searing "wow....Wow....WOW!!!!!" Then from that allegro, an adagio: A minutes-long scene shot as a SINGLE FOLLOWING SHOT with lyrics from a song visually embedded throughout. Once my brain got it , it was this surreal joy, all from an unassuming kid going for coffee down a street. Per IMDB, this shot took 28 takes to get, and it seems a miracle it took that few. Act 1 closes with the divvying up of the money, the thieves going their separate ways, with John H...