Et Tu, Google? (Google Reader screed ahead)
Ah, so, Google Reader . It's going away in July 2013. Yes, this is another rant decrying the shutdown of Google Reader. However, it's my process for working through losing the app I've used every day since it was announced. I mean that. Every. Day. I've used Google Reader so long, I don't remember what I used before it to read RSS feeds; I vaguely recall using NetNewsWire or some other installed application, but those never felt right. Just as with email, the concept of sync'ing internet content to my PC never felt right. I've gone on fasts; I've been off facebook for years at a time, I've demurred and neglected twitter, but if I've had access to an internet-connected anything (PC, laptop, smartphone, Kindle), rest assured I was checking my feeds. Why? And why isn't twitter or something similar a good substitute? Leaving aside twitter for a moment, the simple answer is speed and uniformity. Speed : Unlike...