Ruminations on Christmas/December/Solstice
- Each year I get to watch my boy appear and disappear in a 24 hour period. I hate that.
- It's amazing how rewarding it can be to put something together with your kids. This year, I got to put together a playschool dollhouse, a K'Nex Twisted Coaster, and an to do with mechanized hamsters that need exercise.
- A toy is evil if and only if it requires batteries.
- I find Michael Bay's Transformer's movie mesmerizing in that "If its on, I have to watch it" way I usually reserve for Airplane!, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and The Ten Commandents.
- Bad news is worse at Christmas somehow. It's like you're in the foxhole, getting shelled, and the guy next to you farts. Nothing to do but smell it.
- The Mattress sales industry should be regulated tighter than casinos. Casinos at least offer comps.
- If you're on the hook to feed your buddy's dog while he's on vacation, wear comfortable footwear. Said dog may be off her chain and feeling athletic.
- Bulleted lists get tiring after 4 bullets.
The real insights were from a cogent, engaged moderate Republican (YAY, we DO EXIST!) embedded in a party moving towards the radical fringe. It refreshes one to hear a Republican who's true to the ideals of small government, personal freedom, and lower taxes, without pushing a specific moral agenda.
Overall, it was a fluffy, inconsequential book that didn't live up to its promise.
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