Kentucky's broke...wait, What?I

I live in a dysfunctional state.

Actually scratch that...I live in a dysfunctional Commonwealth.

Looking at this logically:
  • We have 4.3 million people
  • We rank 22nd in population density
  • We have a state sales tax of 6%, except on foodstuffs.
  • We have a state income tax of 6%, basically for everybody.
  • We pay property tax assessed on cars, yearly.
  • We pay property tax on LEASED CARS. Think about that for a minute.
  • Lots of our local municipalities levee income taxes as well
Yeah, so of course we're flat broke. Comically so, like your friend who's lived off credit cards for the last 10 years, then can't convince Citibank to up his limit.

There are some bright spots. Crit Luallen, our auditor, is a gem. She's the all-seeing eye. She causes embezzlers and graft-takers to shudder, as they should. When things go wrong, she arrives like a pissed off Darth Vader hunting Princess Leia. (As my commenter, Dash, corrected me, the muckrakers at the Herald-Leader play a huge role, as well. They discovered abuses at KACo, Bluegrass Airport, and the Lexington Public Library.)

Further, there's the government teat. We've suckled more than our fair share since the Great Society, and Hal sure keeps it coming. Honestly, without the Bailout Money last year, basic services in Kentucky would've dried-up.

Still. STILL. You're taking 6% off the top whenever people do ANYTHING in this state. Buy a car...that'll be 6% (unless you buy it from your parent). Earn a decent salary...that'll be 6%. Honestly, the only thing that the tax structure in our state encourages is subsistence agriculture and hunting/fishing your own food. Do that and you could probably avoid the taxman altogether. Well, if you rent your house.

This is just insane. . .We have SO MUCH in this state. Natural resources. Cheap labor. Good transportation (well, the best FUNDED transportation department anywhere...).


  1. Sorry. KACO financial abuses was discovered by Lexington Herald--not State auditor, as was the Lexington Airport financial abuse and League of cities abuse.

    C.J. State Salares:
    Agency is U of Lou
    2616 employees High of $912,288-to low of $351,487
    agency is U of KY
    4469 employees high of $804,726-Low of $412,500
    Agency: Ky Community College
    1498 employees from High of $212,484-to low of $145,714
    545 employees from high of $139,164-to low of $128,760
    Agency: Legislative Research Comm
    196 employees from high of $132,840-to low of $99,744
    Agency: LOTTO
    62 employees from high of $220,200to low of $99,100
    95 employees from high of $137,957 to low of $76,500
    STATE 5269 $222,718-50,000
    86 EMPLOYEES from high of $100,000 to low of $55,650

  2. Sorry. KACO financial abuses was discovered by Lexington Herald--not State auditor, as was the Lexington Airport financial abuse and League of cities abuse.

    C.J. State Salares:
    Agency is U of Lou
    2616 employees High of $912,288-to low of $351,487
    agency is U of KY
    4469 employees high of $804,726-Low of $412,500
    Agency: Ky Community College
    1498 employees from High of $212,484-to low of $145,714
    545 employees from high of $139,164-to low of $128,760
    Agency: Legislative Research Comm
    196 employees from high of $132,840-to low of $99,744
    Agency: LOTTO
    62 employees from high of $220,200to low of $99,100
    95 employees from high of $137,957 to low of $76,500
    STATE 5269 $222,718-50,000
    86 EMPLOYEES from high of $100,000 to low of $55,650

  3. @Dash -- thanks for the clarification. Amended the post.


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