On Imus

(That title sounds vaguely Latin...)

Let me be as clear as possible: Imus a curmudgeon, a former coke-fiend who disdains ALL humanity. He's mean. He's ugly.

He's also intelligent, incisive, and provocative, in a way that brain-dead Howard Stern CAN NEVER BE. Not that I've not laughed at some random Howard Stern bits that I'm too ashamed of to post on a blog my mother reads. (Google 'Sybian' and 'Howard Stern' if you're feeling particularly raunchy)

...Back to Imus. I hate what happened. I hate that Al Charlatan won and that Jessie Jackson achieved relevance. I hate that I can't rant about how much I HATE DON IMUS'S CURMUDGEONY WAYS.

I particularly like the fact that the governor who was trying to glom-on to the publicity of this nation-gone-mad, Political Correctness charade was karmically smacked-down while not wearing his seat belt on the way to the coup de grace of this sad affair.

I think Mr. Dilbert said it best:

I removed today's post so that my governor would not have a car accident.


  1. Yeah, mountain out of molehill.

    What he said wasn't good, but:

    - If ANY person of color had been a guest on the show and said it instead, no story.

    - If I called into the show (is it even a call-in show?) and he called me a bible-thumping republitard, no story. (This is where someone jumps in and says I can change my religion or political affiliation)

    - Whatever happened to "absence of malice"? "Sticks and stones"?

    - He did apologize.

    - A week's suspension, maybe. I'm pretty sure they had to pay him handsomely for being fired.


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