Grey's Anatomy, what happened?!

I love "Grey's Anatomy", but they Jumped the Shark many different ways last night.

  1. A very special...: On tonight's very special introduction to the three-episode story-arc from Hell, we concoct a ferry-boat hitting a container ship, turn thousands of characters you don't care about into hamburger so that we can beleaguer a metaphor for a central character who feels lost. Yay.

  2. Hair care...: We will have an entire, poorly shot elevator scene of uncomfortable actors trying to do material about an aging, balding black man's hair. The only female will cluck her hen-like, "Leave him Be!" Four more times that should be allowed by the Screen Actor's Guild.

  3. Not that there's anything wrong with it...(George). The actor who plays George is gay. Which leads me to...
  4. .
  5. Marriage--Georget & Callie. It was a cute concept,, really, what 's the deal here? This is a sub-plot that's going nowhere.

On Shonda's Blog she does everything but cop to the fact that they shot this monstrosity with only her "ideas", not a script. Yeah, no script for an ensemble cast. "Ishtar," anyone?

[Comic book guy]
I want you to know I was on the internet within minutes registering my distaste. Worst. Episode. Ever.
[/Comic book guy]


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