Programmers versus Managers

If programmers dictated how software worked:

  • Every piece of software would be 100k on disk, execute at warp speed, run on everything from a stopwatch to a supercomputer.

  • Said program would take 10 years to develop, because "I'm close to getting it finished."

  • Said program would be so obscure and hard-to-use that even its author would create an script file to execute it

If managers dictated how software worked:

  • Everything would be one big chart or powerpoint slide (less than 3 bullets!).

  • It would take 2 minutes to deliver, complete, from a napkin drawing that the managers had over their 5th power lunch in 1 week

  • It'd be programmed by pond scum from Rhodesia, which replaced the rodents from Norway, which replaced the too-expensive chimpanzees from Zanzibar

  • There'd be a rule that no bugs or customer complaints can be solved until after their next promotion


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