Thanksgiving in review

Tact: noun. a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.

After attending the second of two Thankgsivings, I must say, Brentzels don't have tact. The Combs clan doesn't either.

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Atmosphere: The Combs homestead (now Janie's house) versus Papaw Brentzel's ranch-on-a-basement. Includes creek and hide-and-go-seek.
Advantage: Combs

Attendance: The Combs's were missing a whole family, while the Brentzels were only missing one cousin (Alan).
Advantage: Brentzel

Best after-dinner, catty comment: Combs. Hands down.

Best nugget of wisdom:
- "Hell, Harold, don't pay any attention. They can hear a gnat fart from 5 blocks away."
- "You know how often I change the oil in my race engine? After EVERY race...Yep...used that special 50-weight stuff..." "Well now, I wuz turning 4600 rpm down the back straight, and if I have my math right, using an overall tire diameter of _____ found by using PI times D, multiplied by an overall gear ratio of..."
Advantage: Brentzel.

Distance: Combs, in a come-from-behind surprise. I didn't really enjoy driving through Frankfort, through a mountain, Frankfort again, and US 60 for TWO HOURS to get to da Ville. Blasted traffic.

Food: Nanner Puddin' versus Pumpkin Cheesecake. No contest -- BRENTZEL!

Quickest Exit after meal:
- Vickie and Dani: 30 minutes
- Travis and Cora: 25 minutes
Advantage: Combs

Strangest Occurrence:
- "Mom, one of the boys punched me on the trampoline, and the other one pushed me off the trampoline."
- Bark Bark. "No, you stop it!".
Advantage: Combs

in a 5-3 defeat, it's the Combs Thanksgiving winning this year.


  1. It's "smell a gnat fart"....and can it really be a lack of tact if you know no one in present company will be offended with what you say?! :) Endearing qualities of my least I get it honestly. lack of tact on both sides :)

  2. Coming from someone with permanent OMIF (Open Mouth Insert Foot) syndrome, unless people are completely and utterly offended by the comment you just said out loud, then,'s not tactless...I prefer BLUNT.

    I made dinner again this year...there was much eating and little talking...especially from me...I temporarily dislocated my voice...


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