I'm gonna be one of THOSE dads....

So I get an email from Wal-Mart with "This weeks deals" or whatever.

Inside was a little pink doll.

and I'm like, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Maria would love that!"



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Nah, it's a good thing. Much better than my neighbor who thinks his mission in life is to train his sons like attack dogs. "What are you cryin' about? I don't see no blood!"

    With a daughter there's no constant fear that something you do might turn her into a sissy. So you can lavish all the love and affection on her you want and it's OK.

    It's too bad my parents never had a girl. My dad's SOOO different around Katie.

  3. ...of course you can ALSO turn your daughter into a Star Wars geek, turn her onto all the Hornblower books, teach her to use the power tools, etc. It's all good!


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