On becoming a curmudgeon

Curmudgeon: n.

An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.

I'm getting there. Whitney and I ate our pizza and swilled our Pepsi before the morass of cable TV before us, and VH1 ran a spot promoting DAVE MATHEWS BAND: Storytellers, premiering tonight at 11pm

Me: "Good LORD! 11pm? Who's going to be up on a weeknight watching THAT?!"

Yup, how do you spell old fart? H-A-R-O-L-D.

I'm a morning person. Yeah, that must be it.

* * *

On a brighter note (a phrase in common usage by the anti-old person at work, LR), I think I'm in love with Whitney's mattress. Since it found a home inside my Shaker-style cherry bed, I've wakened rested BEFORE my alarm on two successive mornings. No aches + pains. No sore muscles. Pillow tops rule!


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