Quick reactions to the Vice Presidential debate last night:

Edwards: Sharp, smooth, and effective throughout, thought at times he came across as the Southern Snake Oil Salesman. He spoke directly to Cheney, toe to toe, and his closing remarks were moving and they've stayed with me. He scored several blows, particluarly on health care, Iraq, Halliburton, and jobs, but none was a knockout. Honestly, I'd like to live in the America he described, a place of strong middle-class, consensus, health-care, good environment, and progress.

Cheney: Throughout, Cheney was the bitter herbs to Edwards saccharine. His job seemed to be reminding us of just how BAD things were right now in the world, implying that the two Democratic golden boys hadn't a clue about really how to fix it. He didn't scoff nervously the way Bush did in his first debate. Instead, he was measured in his defense of Bush/Cheney policies and in his attacks on the Senatorial voting records of Kerry and Edwards.

Overall, had Bush been in that chair instead of Cheney, Edwards would've eaten him alive. Vivacious, candid, handsome, and a natural speaker, Edwards is the perfect foil for Bush. Cheney, though, wisely demurred direct exchange, choosing to focus on his agenda and let Edwards twitter about, expending energy and audience interest.

Overall, a draw, but this Edwards guy is DANGEROUS. If Kerry gets in and gets re-elected in 08, look for Edwards in 2012.


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