:) Such a lovely spring morning in...June :-)

I guess the one thing we can thank the storms for is some very pleasant, dry air that's descended upon Kentucky in tha past few days. Yestderday was beautiful weather for any sort of outdoor activity, and last night was so cool and clear that I slept with the windows open and just my fan on, and I didn't want to get up!

Did get the Pup washed yesterday; after weeks of hard autocrossing, she surely deserved it. I'm going for my eye exam today, and I'm thinking of trying contacts. I know...GAA! Harold in contacts! My eyes are funky; highly astigmatic, I've never been a good candidate for contacts in the past, but supposedly there are new contacts out that can work w/astigmatism. Basically, technology advances and I ask about contacts every 5 years or so. Usually, I'm turned down.

I must say, i'd love to not have to get special sunglasses anymore. Wouldn't mind one of those $300 pairs of Raybans...

Work's quiet still this morning; I'm intentionally not looking at my email for fear of what has beset us. This company is like most, I suspect: Leading-up to long weekends or holidays, little work gets done as most employees use company time to goof-off or make arrangements via telephone, but after the holiday the avalanchr of work descends.


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