The blogging is going to be pretty random brain is mush and even coffee isn't helping.

  • First of all, thank you all for your well-wishes and prayers; Norie is set to go home from the hospital today. She had a successful operation to clear her lungs of blood late Friday night, and spent Saturday and Sunday in the CCTVU, whatever that is, is St. Joseph's hospital.

  • Mom's H-P Laptop (yeah, i could she get an H-P!) has had a hard drive meltdown, so I shipped her home my old (but still rather speedy) 866Mhz Pentium 3 Dell tower w/its 19" monitor. :-)

  • Autocross was fun but frustrating yesterday. Overdrove the course, ending-up third. And my tires are sort of dying

  • Did I mention I was sleepy?

  • Ronald Reagan died on Saturday. Sadly, I've missed most of the coverage and mourning. Internally, I don't feel much mourning: The man lived an awesome, long life, accomplished much, and he's moved on (Whitney/Stu term, but I feel it's ap) to a place where Alzheimer's can no longer touch him. We should all aspire to do 1/10th as much with our lives as Reagan did with his: Good father, leader, churchmember, defeater of Communism, restorer of faith in America, comforter during the Challenger disater, world representative, and ultimate cheerleader for the ideal of "America". He'll be missed, but he can go to his rest knowing he's done more for America than any person since FDR.

  • Smarty Jones lost. Meh. My theory on this: Thoroughbred bloodlines are so inbred and the horses themselves are so fragile (compare a thoroughbred's legs to those of a quarterhorse and you'll see what I mean), that running the Belmont is too much for 'em. Bright moment: Seeing Rock Hard Ten exposed for the loser he is. That horse is magnificent, sleek, and powerful, yet he has no will to win.

  • Random read from the NYT today: Las Vegas is the fastest growing metropolis in America. Makes perfect sense to me; no water and no surrounding food supplies. Heck yeah, let's put 10 million people there! :-)


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