I need to find a new apartment, or a house, or something. Paying my rent every month is KILLING ME.

Sat down tonight (yeah, Friday night, all by my lonesome >>sigh<<) and took a serious look at my finances, considering the extra expenses of gasoline and autocross every other (or every!) weekend. The short end of it, it's not great. I really need to pare-down some spending or get some more income, which is patently absurd, because I feel I'm OVERPAID.

I'm anticipating a raise (effective in August), but until then, i'm at a point of depressing equilibrium...

On the bright side, I'm having quite a bit of fun. Dave would not be especially proud of me, but as I've acquired all the toys I'd lusted after, maybe I can rachet-down the spending and save a bit.

* * *

There are some...interesting...houses in the outlying areas around G'town and Paris that are going for like $60k-$100k. Probably not sexy houses, but hey :)


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