Yesterday sucked
My last 36 hours. In 4-5pm daily meeting on Monday (that's a #win by itself), the manager in charge ejaculates a "well, shit!" in the middle of the meeting. Turns out a 7am all-managers meeting was scheduled the next day by the CEO. "That's never good," he noted. #obviouslynot Tuesday, 6am, I saw this tweet . It was real, and it was not spectactular; seventeen hundred worldwide jobs evaporated, including 350 in Lexington. Gory details here . I came into work to a morgue. First and second line managers were going around talking to individuals and my "talking to" seemed ambiguously in the future. I checked on a couple guys from church and both seemed safe, and my small group was praying for my job. There was the appropriate level of gallows humor, but it just felt different than times we've done this in the past. By ~11am we had an "all building" meeting scheduled in our main conference room downstairs, lead by my boss. ...